Monday, November 9, 2009

the message from my Heart.

This movie is dedicated to all those people, all the events, and all the tiny other things that make my life so good. Cheers, to influences in my past, to those who help me today, and for the upcoming feature we call the future...

This project was bittersweet to me. The work was pretty easy, but organizing thoughts isn't where the lightbulbs go off. [Haha.] I'll admit I did go from one theme to the next, but trust me, the movies worth it. When my teacher said, "Don't make it one of those 'About Me' shows, " I knew I had to think hard. I thought... who influenced me to say all those things "about me"? So that's what happened; I thought of high school, grammar school, the Swiss Exchange, the track team, memories of when I was a young girl (and in some cases, why I should stay young at heart and not listen to anyone who tries to stop me) ...I may have not gotten EVERY single detail down, but you can get the idea of what I'm made of.

The song, "Beauty in the Breakdown" by the Scene Aesthetic, is a love song, but if you look deeper into the meaning, I'm asking you all to look deeper than the exterior of a person.

Check out the rubric!